Spell Cheking Most Important Words

 Spell Cheking Most Important Words

Helps You Eliminate Errors And Find The Perfect Words To Express Yourself. Find and Add Sources Fast. Easily Improve Any Text. Fix Punctuation Errors. Improve Word Choice. AI Writing Assistant. Eliminate Grammar Errors.

Question: 1 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Benefeted

(B) Benefitted

(C) Benifitted

(D) Benifited

Ans: B

Clearly the correct spelling is Benefitted

Question: 2 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Fahrenheit

(B) Farenhiet

(C) Farenheit

(D) Fahrenhiet

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Fahrenheit

Question: 3 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Genealogy

(B) Genelogy

(C) Geneology

(D) Genalogy

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Genealogy

Question: 4 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Skilfull

(B) Skilful

(C) Skillfull

(D) Skillful

Ans: C

Clearly the correct spelling is Skilfull

Question: 5 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Tantitive

(B) Tentitive

(C) Tentaitive

(D) Tentative

Ans: D

Clearly the correct spelling is Tentative

Question: 6 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Neccessary

(B) Necesarry

(C) Necesary

(D) Necessary

Ans: D

Clearly the correct spelling is Necessary

Question: 7 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Coruppt

(B) Corrupt

(C) Currupt

(D) Curropt

Ans: B

Clearly the correct spelling is Corrupt

Question: 8 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Satellite

(B) Satelite

(C) Sattellite

(D) Sattellite

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Satellite

Question: 9

Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Millonaire

(B) Millionare

(C) Millonare

(D) Millionaire

Ans: D

Clearly the correct spelling is Millionaire

Question: 10 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Drought

(B) Drougt

(C) Draut

(D) Drout

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Drought

Question: 11 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Legandery

(B) Legendary

(C) Legendery

(D) Legendry

Ans: B

Clearly the correct spelling is Legendary

Question: 12 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Achievement

(B) Achevement

(C) Achievment

(D) Acheivment

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Achievement

Question: 13 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Tommorow

(B) Tomorrow

(C) Tomarow

(D) Tomarrow

Ans: B


Question: 14 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Mathematics

(B) Mathemetics

(C) Mathametics

(D) Mathamatics

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Mathematics

Question: 15 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Kaleidoscope

(B) Kaliedoscope

(C) Kalidoscope

(D) Kalaidoscope

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Kaleidoscope

Question: 16 Choose the correctly spelt word

(A) Referigerator

(B) Refridgerator

(C) Refrigerator

(D) Refriderater

Ans: C

Clearly the correct spelling is Refrigerator

Question: 17 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Arangement

(B) Arrangment

(C) Arangemant

(D) Arrangement

Ans: D

Clearly the correct spelling is Arrangement

Question: 18 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Pitiable

(B) Pitiabale

(C) Pitiaeble

(D) Pitiaable

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Pitiable

Question: 19 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Fulfill

(B) Fullfill

(C) Fullfil

(D) Fulfil

Ans: A

Clearly the correct spelling is Fulfill

Question: 20 Choose the correctly spelt word?

(A) Tarrif

(B) Tarif

(C) Tarriff

(D) Tariff

Ans: D

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