Everyday Science Mcqs 12

Everyday Science mcqs 

• Centigrade and Celsius temperatures are same below freezing point.

• which instrument is used to measure pressure? Manometer

• the velocity of light was first measured by Olaf Roemer

• centigrade and Fahrenheit scales gives same readings at 32 degrees

• The first European scientist who refuted the belief that the earth was the center of the universe was Copernicus.

• Mobile phones transmit message using radio-type waves called microwaves

• Super conductors are also strong diamagnetic this means they strongly repel magnets.

• Super conductors are used in very fast computers and also in trains like Maglevs.

• Electronic theodolite and range finder measures and distance and angle.

• A fluorescent light is a glass tube containing gas which produces UV light when current passed trough it. Tube is coated with phosphor which glows when UV hits it.

• Some of the chemicals from the recycle of old cells are used by liver to make bile which is stored in gall bladder.

• Which is lighter, gold or plastic? Plastic

• Lasers are a special source of light called coherent light this means all the light waves are in step with each 

other and travel in same direction

• Laser produce light of one particular wavelength and it is s single, pure color.

• The first hologram was make in 1962

• Laser = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

• Quartz-halogen bulbs are used in overhead projectors and spotlights

• Helium is uses to fill airships and balloons

• Helium is used to pressurize hydrogen fuel in rockets and the air in diver’s air tanks

• Apart from radon, which is radioactive, the noble gases are used in lighting.

• The noble gases have very low boiling points.

• Liquid helium is the coldest substance.

• A gas only becomes liquid at -268.9 deg: C

• Combustion is a kind of oxidation reaction.

• At room temperature the particles in air travel at around 1800 km/h the same speed as a bullet fires from a rifle.

• Generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

• The principle behind the generator is electromagnetic induction. It was discovered by Michael Faraday.

• Lovell telescope is at Jodrell Bank the site for space observatory

• Nicolous Copernicus (1473-1543) was born in Poland and was the first to explain the solar system.

• Derailleur gear are used in bicycles

• Cantilever brake is also used in bicycles

• Static electricity makes a balloon stick to the wall after you have rubbed it on your hair.

• John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley in 1947 used a semiconductor called germanium to make the world’s first transistor.

• A diode conducts electricity easily in one direction but resists the flow of electricity in the other.

• A capacitor stores electric charge. Capacitors are important components for making timers.

• Capacitors are used in filtering circuits like treble and bass in hi-fi

• Transistors can be used as logic gates

• Energy value of food items is expressed in kilojoules (kj) or thousands of joules.

• British scientist James Prescott Joule discovered the principle of conservation of energy.

• Which one of the following statements regarding sound is true? Its source is always a vibrating material.

• Weight of an object put in a satellite orbiting in space around the earth is reduced to zero

• Movie camera take pictures at rate of 24 pictures per second

• Density of water is 1

• Water expands as it freezes to ice. This makes ice less dense than water which causes ice to float.

• Heat flows in three ways conduction, convection and radiation

• A concave lens is used for the correction of the Hyperphobia

• Silver metal has the highest electrical conductivity.

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