1. First Battle is Widdan or Abwa in: 1 A.H
2. Battle of Badar fought in 17th Ramzan , ____ A.H: 2
3. Battle of Uhd fought in 7th Shawal, ____ A.H: 3
4. Battle of Khandaq(Ahzab) fought in ____ A.H: 5
5. Battle of Hunain ____ A.H: 8
6. Conquest of Makkah in ____ A.H: 8
7. Treaty of Hudaibiya in ____ A.H : 6
8. Conquest of khyber in ____ A.H : 6
9. Battle of Mutah, Preaching of Islam to various kings in _____ A.H: 8
10. Badar is a: Village
11. Uhd is a: Mountain
12. Yom-ul Furqan is called to: Yom ul Badar
13. Fath-e- Mobeen is called to: Sulah Hudaibiah
14. Number of Sahabah in “Ghazwa e Badar” was: 313
15. Number of Kuffar in “Ghazwa e Badar” was: 1000
16. “Ghazwa e Badar” was fought for: 3 Times
17. Number of Muslims Martyr in “Ghazwa e Badar” was: 14
18. Number of Kuffar’s who killed in “Ghazwa e Badar” was” : 70
19. Leader of the Kuffar’s in “Ghazwa e Badar” was: Abu Jahal
20. In Battle of Uhad number of Muslim’s are: 1000
21. In Battle of Uhad number of Kuffar’s are: 3000
22. Number of Muslim martyrs in the battle of Uhad was: 70
23. Ahzab means: Allies
24. The battle of Khandaq is also known an battle of: Ahzab
24. Battle in which Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ? not participated is known as: Saria
25. In _____ battle Muslim women participated firstly: Battle Of Uhd
26. Last battle was: Tabuk
27. The person killed by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad was: Ubai Bin Khalf
28. In Battle of _____, the teeth of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad were martyred: Uhd
29. Khalid bin Walid was titled Saif-ul-Allah in Battle of: Moata
30. Abu Jahal was killed in Battle of ______ by Maaz: Badar
31. Battle of chains was fought between ____ and the Muslims: Persians
32. Umar bin Abdual Aziz is considered as the _____ Khalifa: 5th
33. Battle of Moata took place in _____ A.H: 8th
34. Battle of Hunain fought in _____ A.H: 8th
35. Battle of camel fought between _____ and ______: Hazrat Ali (R.A) & Hazrat Ayesha (R.A)
36. The Battle in which the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad missed four prayers was Battle of:
37. Battle of _____ came to an end without any result: Tabook
38. The participants of Battle of ______ were bestowed with highest reward by Allah: Badar
39. Jihad means to strive: Hard
40. Uhd is located near: Madina
41. _____ men dug the ditch in Battle of Khandaq: 3000
42. In the battle of _____, catapult was used first time by Muslims: Taaif
43. _____ weeks were spent to dig the ditch in Battle of Khandaq: 2
44. Conquest of Makkah is called : Aam-ul-Fatah
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