Everyday Science Mcqs 2

Everyday Science mcqs


Altimeter: an apparatus used in aircraft for measuring altitudes.

Ammeter: is used for to measure intensity of sound.

Anemometer: is an instrument for measuring the force and velocity of wind.

Audiometer: an instrument to measure intensity of sound.

Audiophone: is an instrument required for improving imperfect sense of hearing.

Barograph: for continuous recording of atmospheric pressure.

Barometer: is an apparatus used for measuring the atmospheric pressure.

Binoculars: is an instrument used for seeing distant objects, the rays of light are twice reflected by means of right-angled prisms.

Callipers: a compass with legs for measuring the inside or outside diameter of bodies.

Calorimeter: an instrument used for measuring quantities of heat.

Carburettor: is an apparatus for charging air with petrol vapours in an internal combustion engine.

Cardiogram: a medical instrument used for tracing the movements of the heart.

Cardiograph: is a medical instrument for tracing heart movements.

Chronometer: is an instrument kept on board the ships for measuring accurate time.

Cinematograph: It consists of a series of lenses arranged to throw on a screen an enlarged image of

photographs. The lens system which forms the image on the screen is termed the focusing lens.

Commutator: split ring which forms the main part of a D.C. Dynamo.

Compass needle: for knowing approximately the North-South direction at a place.

Crescograph: is an instrument for use in recording growth of plants; invented by J.C. Bose.

Dip Circle: It is an instrument used to determine the angle between the direction of the resultant intensity of earth’s field and the horizontal component at a place. This particular angle is know as the dip of that place.

Drinker’s apparatus: to help breathing in infantile paralysis.

Dynamo: The origin of electricity in a Dynamo is the transformation of mechanical energy into electrical energy. It depends on the principle of electro-magnetic induction whereby a current is produced on traversing a magnetic field.

Electroencephalograph (EEG): It is the technique of recording and interpreting the electrical activity of the

brain. Records of the electrical activity of the brain, commonly known as “brain waves”, are called

electroencephalograms or electroencephalographs. EEG is the common abbreviation for both the technique and the records.

Epidiascope: for projecting films as well as images of opaque articles on a screen.

Eudiometer: It is a glass tube for measuring volume changes in chemical reactions between gases.

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