Everyday Science Mcqs 3

Everyday Science

Everyday Science mcqs

  1. Fathometer: is an instrument used for measuring depth of the ocean.
  2. Galvanometer: an instrument for measuring currents of small magnitude.
  3. G.M. Counter (Geiger Muller Counter): This special device is used for detecting the presence of radiation and counting certain atomic particles.
  4. Gramophone: an instrument with which we can reproduce the sound recorded by a suitable recording
  5. apparatus. It is fitted with a special type of apparatus known as sound box invented by Berliner.
  6. Gravimeter: is an instrument for recording measurement under water and to determine the presence of oil deposits under water.
  7. Gyroscope: is an instrument used to illustrate dynamics of rotating bodies. It is a type of spinning wheel fixed to the axle.
  8. Hydrometer: is an instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids.
  9. Hydrophone: is an instrument used for recording sound under water.
  10. Hygrometer: is an instrument used for measuring humidity in air.
  11. Kymograph: is an instrument used to record graphically various physiological movements i.e., blood pressure, heart beating, study of lungs etc in living beings.
  12. Lactometer: is an apparatus used for measuring the purity of milk.
  13. Manometer: for determining the pressure of a gas.
  14. Mariner’s Compass: is an apparatus which is used to guide the sailors. The needle always points north-south.
  15. Micrometer: is an instrument used for converting sound i.e., fraction of the lowest division of a given scale.
  16. Microphone: is an instrument used for converting sound waves into electrical vibrations.
  17. Microscope: is an instrument which is used for magnifying minute objects by a lens system.
  18. Microtome: is used for cutting an object into thin parts for microscopic inspection.
  19. Odometer: is an instrument by virtue of which the distance covered by wheeled vehicles is recorded.
  20. Periscope: It is usually used by the crew of a submarine to survey the ships etc, on the surface of the sea while the submarine is under water. It also enables the sailors to observe objects on the other side of an obstacle without exposing themselves.
  21. Phonograph: is an instrument used for reproducing sound.
  22. Photometer: is an apparatus used to compare the illuminating power of two sources of light.
  23. Pipette: It is a glass tube with the aid of which a definite volume of liquid may be transferred.
  24. Potentiometer: is used for comparing the e.m.f.s, of cells, measurements of the thermal e.m.f.s, large potential differences and currents. It is also used for measuring low resistances.

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